Identity, Authentication and Proof of Authorship on Blockchain

Presentation at the 2018 ETC Summit in Seoul to talk about the use of blockchain for Identity, Authentication and Proof of Authorship.
As some of you may know, I recently had the opportunity to speak at a tech conference in Korea. The focus of my talk was on how blockchain technology can help cut through bureaucratic red tape, particularly in countries like Brazil, where I come from. In this blog post, I want to share the highlights of my presentation, for those who couldn't attend.
The Problem: Bureaucracy
In countries like Brazil, bureaucracy is a massive issue. It often involves several trips to notaries to get various documents stamped, and then those stamps themselves often need to be authenticated. This not only wastes valuable time but also leads to significant financial losses. It's the reason I launched OriginalMy back in 2015, which has evolved to tackle more than just Brazilian bureaucracy but identity and authorization issues worldwide.
Why Blockchain?
1.7 billion people around the world don't have an identity. Lack of identity leads to lack of access to essential services like education, healthcare, and legal rights. Here's where blockchain comes into play:
- Digital Signature: Blockchain enables digital signatures that are secure and universally recognized.
- Authentication: A secure cryptographic challenge can be used to verify a user's identity.
- Proof of Authorship/Life: Blockchain can prove the authorship and even existence (Proof of Life) of a person, thus negating the need for physical verification.
The Traditional Model vs. Blockchain
Traditionally, assets and identities are linked through external agents like notaries or banks. With blockchain, these assets are directly linked to identities. This removes the need for a third-party intermediary, making processes more efficient and secure.
Use Cases and Success Stories
Remote Voting in Brazilian Fintechs
One exciting announcement I made during the talk was that next month, the Brazilian Fintech Association will use our platform for the board election. This will save them enormous amounts of time and money compared to traditional methods.
Proof of Life for Pensioners in Brazil
In Brazil, retirees must physically go to a government department annually to prove they are alive and continue receiving their pensions. This costs the country over $160 million a year. Our blockchain solution eliminates this need.
Notarization Services
In Brazil, signing a contract with multiple parties often means visiting different notaries to validate each signature. Our technology replaces this need by offering a more reliable and efficient blockchain-based solution.
The Future
We're expanding our efforts to countries in Southern Europe, where bureaucracy is similarly crippling. We've already established partnerships in Malta and Italy, and we're looking to extend our technology to more countries.
Final Thoughts
Blockchain is more than just a buzzword; it has the potential to fundamentally change the way we interact with bureaucracy and even each other. Through OriginalMy, we are at the forefront of this change, cutting through the red tape that has bound societies for so long.
Video transcription
thank you okay that's goodthank you guys well I won't talk todayabout bureaucracy who knows aboutbureaucracy you don't have bureaucracyover here in Korea I know I know thatwell I live in a Latin country Braziland numbers do we have a lot ofbureaucracy the best kind of bureaucracyyou need to go to the notaries all thetime we need to get a stamped on a paperall the time you need to recognize andsearch fire signature on a notary allthe time in Brazil that's a huge problemthat's a huge waste of timeover there that's why I launched at theoriginal my on 2015 the first LeonBitcoin then it's serial then we removethe to assume classic as it was launchedit and I will explain how it works wellI am computer scientists teacherinformation security is partial East andI developed some projects with opensource for many years I have agraduation on Harvard Law School oncopyright and using blockchain for forpreserving their properties theownership of your intellectual propertyis very interesting use case and I amleader of security privacy and identityblockchain on abnt member of ISIL and Iam NOT administrator of FacebookBrasilia theorem class community andthey didn't know I have the communityfor many yearswell why we use blockchain for identityone in seven people around the worlddon't have an identity and no idea meansthey have no access to education theyhave no access to health care they haveno access to political and legal rightsand it's a huge problem around the worldwell that's the numbers about theindustry notaries signatures digitalidentity and kyc regulatory fraud AMLand CTF more than one hundred billiondollars that's a huge market and foridentity we have many challenges we havewe have challenge about self sovereignwe have challenges about recoveringidentities we have a lot of challenge Ihave a small amount of time I will passme a little fast over these slides andwe came to traditional model of assetsand identities today to have an assetlinked it to our identity we have wemust have an external agent a trueexternal agent to link our assets ourproperly to our identity and when wemove to blockchain we have a we have achanging model we have these assetslinked directly to our identities it's avery game changing around the worldbecause normally the through thetransactional agents are the notaries orare the banks or the government and wewhen we move to this kind of digitalidentity model we have no third partieswell and I will explain a little how itworks the digital the digital thedigital signature we have a signinglayer where you do a kind of hash of theinformation you need to sign you useyour your private key on top of thathash or information should do some kindof cryptographyand then you have a new gist ofcertificate on on top of that that datafor verification you use the public keyso to read the signatureretrieve the hash again and you can dothe hash of the original document ororiginal information if they match theinformation is valid that that's thefirst premise we use okay the second isa far out education the cryptographchallenge and we have some kind ofrandom challenge it's made on the serverside sent to the client the client willsign that information with the privatekey and send back the server we willstart the session and you can get outindicated on many platforms this modelis being used by many many protocols andmy many platforms and the third part isproof of fellowship when you we mix thegist of signature with the cryptographicchallenge for proof of authorship we doproof of life when the customer do theonboarding you recognize who is thecustomer you created the identities ofthat customer and linked the identity onblockchain to the nationality of thecustomer you retrieve the Jellicle Dulocof the user due to the KYC you have dapps managing the identity you can havebiometrics for validating the identityyou have the mobile device it's the themost personal thing we have with ustoday and at the end you have a kind ofblockchain ID we issue a blockchain IDat the end of the process after the useris validated andthe blockchain AG the user can do manythings like signing documents andcontracts voting and authenticating onplatforms well I am using on mypresentation something about the web oftrust because we are creating adecentralized network of validators ofpersonal data on our approach toidentity the user is the owner of thepersonal data the personal data stayswith the user not storage on a networkon a database ok and for that we need tocreate 2 decentralized network ofvalidators with some kind of reputationon the personal data each personal datais a lot of attributes of your identityand if they have reputation you can youcan say the network can say if you cantrust or not on the on the data and weknow the centralized model we have ancertificates of storage issuing theidentity when we use the web of trustyou don't need the centralized it's suchcage of storage for example if I need totrace on John but I don't know who Johnor I I know Kim so I am James ok I justI just ask Ken Oh what do you know aboutJohn can I trust on him if ken is a verytruthful guy and they don't lie I couldbecause your reputation trash on Johnthe web of trust have many manymechanisms on reputation for improvingthe trust on the Paris and we came tooriginal my use cases we use all that Isaid beforeon our platform because we want to dothis trust and powering and one exampleof bureaucracy in Brazil in Brazil theyretired and pensionersneed to do a proof of life every yearthey need to go physically to go to thegovernment department to prove they arethey are okay to retrieve the piece thepatient okay and the number of thepopulation in Brazil is very huge morethan 200 million people and it it see itmeans 29 million of proof of life peryear if you take two hours on governmentdepartment you lose 58 million hours peryear and if you're our costs two dollarsyou lose more than 160 million dollars ayear and here in Korea the minimumsalary is about seven point five dollarsper hour in Brazil just to how we dothat in 2015 we started just registeringdigital documents on blockchain thensome some lawyers asked me forregistering for such fine web contentbecause in Brazil we have a huge problemwith fake news injuries deformation oninternet and this year we are havingelections presidential elections then wecreated a - for search fine web webcontent then some people asked us forsigning contracts and you know we knowthe challenge for signing contracts isthe proof of authorship we need to do anidentity validation so we created alayer for validating the identity of ourcustomersand then resistor needs using blockchainas a platform for registering theidentity and with the blockchainidentity the blockchain IG reissue atthe angel of the KYC process the ourcustomer can sign documents and they canauthenticate own exchange we have wehave crypto exchange in Brazil using ourplugin for authenticating withoutexposing passwords because passwords andusernames are are the old model for forauthentication on platforms and we knowit we have a lot of vulnerabilitiesexposing passwords on platforms and theydon't need to fill in forms because theyare they they have on their mobiledevice all the the personal data andthey deliver their personal datadirectly to the platform they want toauthenticate a green with the deliveringso the user don't few forms and theydon't they know exactly when their dataare well one word fashioned way case Iexplained it before username andpasswords filling forms using originalmy you don't need to do it anymoreanother use case you'll need to got thenotice all the time if you need to signa contract with three three personssometimes you need to go to threedifferent notaries for validating eachsignature don't make sense and in Brazilthey do use some kinds of sour orelectronic signature because they can'tprove who are the guy signing thedocuments and on our approach we canthis is one example of use case usingour engine in Brazil remote demos theyhave more than 1 million signaturesusingour engineer they want the googles asocial impact challenge in 2016 usingour platform for signing publicpetitions and in Brazil if you wantpercent of the population agrees with apublic petition or project of law theCongress must vote and then in Brazilthe government already accepts this kindof signature because it's very reliableanother case I am I am announcing todaybecause they my team told me yesterdayah next monththe Brazilian fintax Association willvote for the first time for the boardelection using our platform for signingthe votesit's a huge step for us over therefintechs voting on blockchain there'smore than 400 fintax in Brazil and theywill use our platform for voting poweredby a steering class because all identitysignatures and registering we use astream class and we we develop a kind ofside chain a kind of it's not a fullside chain because for example on Moodlemousse we need to register a bunch ofsignatures all the time and it could bevery expensive so we we have a sidechain to receive all the signatures onthat case and then register on afternoonclass sometimes one time a day and wehave the entry beaurocracy coins and adanger brokers coin I went to Korea twotimes on the beginning of this year fortheir our road show with with a friendand we are all not with an activitybonds program I am inviting you all toparticipate on our bond program with thehashtag HEC the notaries we arelaunching a platform to aggregate allinitiatives around the world to hack thenoters and improve notary services onaround all the world just came to ourtelecom channel there theremore information over there well that'sit we believe blockchains that transfertransfer of trust in a trust less worldand then I will open for questions thankyouall right do we have questions forAddison because I have one go uh youmentioned for FinTech in Brazil the newannouncement what do you think thereasons are they chose you and yourplatformit's simple for voting today they needto sign all the all votes and recognizeand get a stamp of the signature on anotary and we have many states and eachstage has a different table of costsit's a very expensive model thetraditional one and they didn't changeto electronic one because they couldn'tidentify who is voting who is signingthe votes and we Furr a platform thelawyers allow it the process becausethey recognize our platform can identifywho is this signatory of the vote andand there's no fraud on the process onour approach that's why it's cheaper andit's more reliable than the traditionalmodel okay what was the previous modelthe previous model was that thenewspaper newspaper okay and did you goto the notary all the time to get astamp and recognize the signature on theon a notaryyakety Scully watch I'm being a lot morereliable there yes for sure without adoubt all right any other questionsOh got one over hereyeah this is uh this is a wonderful usecase for a blockchain tech I personallynever even thought about it and when youcame up kind of blew me away a littlebit the question that I wanted to askyou is a you know Brazil is a prettymassive country but what is your nextcountry that you guys plan to focus onwith this type of technology easy to thesouth of Europe will we learn itbureaucracy with them we imported allbureaucracy from Portugal and Italy andSpain and Latin countries like us so wemove the company to Estonia and becausethe leads from South off of Europe wehave a partnership on Malta Italy andMalta for for doing the KYC of agambling platform over there and onlySpain reactron up the partnership with anotary over there too and um on PortugalI would try to support to go becausesome guy asking me to visit them becausethey they have some opportunities to usover there in Brazil we have apartnership with one notary Brazil hasmore than 15,000 notaries that's a lotof nutters over there and we have apartnership with you just one all therest of the notaries were was fightingus a lot for on the last years and wehave the partnership with one soBrazilians don't need to go to thenotary to get a stamp on that documentsand they hate us because of that and weare seeing some partnerships on thesouth of Europe for doing the same thingheck the notaries and approve theservices around the world wonderfulthank you so much okay thank youall right great thanks very much Adelsonthank you